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Erik MacKinnon

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Now... not "How?"

It's a simple phrase, isn't it? "Now, not how." Yet these three words can be something special in the right hands.

Now... not "How?"
Members Public

Book Notes: The JOLT Effect

These are my notes for "The JOLT Effect" by Matt Dixon and Ted McKenna. This isn't a review, it's my notes. So... it's long. Enjoy!

Book Notes: The JOLT Effect
Members Public

So... you think you're on a "team," eh?

Do you work on a team? In my experience, in B2B, many think so. They're mistaken. It's a costly problem in revenue organizations.

So... you think you're on a "team," eh?
Members Public

Unsolicited Insights Episode 01: Sift Healthcare

In this series, I'm going to show you some of my research process as I look at a company, their revenue strategy, how it's executed, and more.

Unsolicited Insights Episode 01: Sift Healthcare